员工关系计划是公认的全国纸浆 & 造纸行业集体谈判和最佳实践信息的来源,因为电子竞技赌注的软件:
- 提供十大菠菜软件、易于查阅的电子数据库.
- Provide periodic updates of labor developments.
- Provide forums for knowledge exchange and networking.
- Provide custom surveys.
- Interface with the USW and other unions.
- Advise 十大菠菜软件 in employee relations matters
The Employee Relations Program is made up of U.S. pulp and paper manufacturers. 该计划由参与公司的高级人力资源/劳资关系官员组成. The ERP holds two meetings per year.
劳工数据库有大约90%的美国劳工的信息.S. pulp and paper mills with union contracts. “按钮”报告为用户提供即时的工资和福利基准信息,您可以按公司筛选, region, and product group.
- The Current Labor Developments newsletter, 提供有关纸浆和造纸行业当前议价和结算的信息和统计数据.
- Pulp and Paper Bargaining Calendar, 与合同批准日期相关联的结算摘要.
- Employee Relations Overview, 有关行业结算趋势和基准工资福利信息的PowerPoint演示文稿.
- 工厂劳动协议,以PDF格式发布在LaborData网站上.
- 员工关系计划-高级人力资源管理人员的网络.
- 在亚特兰大为工厂人力资源经理举办年度员工关系会议.
- 回应有关员工和劳资关系问题的信息要求.
- 每月召开电话会议,分享与USW讨价还价的信息.
Sonia Reynolds
The 十大菠菜软件回收锅炉计划成立于1974年,旨在制定计划并帮助运营回收锅炉的公司提高安全性, integrity, and reliability of the recovery boiler operations. 该计划在指导委员会的指导下,为成员提供一个论坛,以发展:
- Information
- Reference manuals
- Audit guidelines
- Checklists
- Training aids useful in evaluating:
- Safe operating procedures
- Specifications and construction
- Maintenance programs
- Organization and training
- Research and development programs
会员资格对所有经营回收锅炉的公司开放. 公司指定代表在该计划的两个小组委员会任职:研究 & Development and Operation & Maintenance. The 十大菠菜软件回收锅炉年会暨委员会会议于第一个星期二举行 & Wednesday each February. 下面的参考资料部分显示了程序章程的副本和可用出版物的列表.
要了解有关回收锅炉计划的更多信息或索取有关回收锅炉出版物的信息, safety seminars, research projects and membership, contact:
Wayne Grilliot Consultant, Recovery Boiler Program E-Mail: wayne_grilliot@mega389slot.com Mobile: (937) 602-1892 |
十大菠菜软件 – Recovery Boiler Program
C/O: Program Excellence, LLC
Attn: Wayne Grilliot, Manager
712 Murrell Drive
Kettering, OH 45429
回收锅炉委员会每年举办四次安全研讨会, typically in April, May, September, & October. 所有安全研讨会目前都以虚拟形式在网上举行. We may have both in-person & 2023年及未来几年的虚拟回收锅炉运行安全研讨会.
由两名专家监工主持讲座,以加深操作员和监工对回收锅炉安全操作和维修的认识和了解. The seminars focus on the proper training and handling of upset situations to minimize exposure to personnel; reduce injuries; as well as reduce downtime and damage.
六个BLRBAC案例研究在每个研讨会中用作团队桌面练习,并基于最近的实际回收锅炉事件. 这些团队桌面练习可以帮助操作员和主管做出重要决策 when to ESP a Recovery Boiler. 自1985年开办以来,已有4 700多人参加了这些研讨会.
March 20, 2024: (7:45 am – 4:30 pm Eastern Time): Online Virtual AF&环保署回收锅炉运作安全研讨会(附短片 & Audio Conferencing). Event & Registration Information, with the Agenda.
April 10-11, 2024: In-Person 十大菠菜软件回收锅炉运行安全研讨会-亚特兰大, GA - Sonesta亚特兰大机场北酒店(原皇冠假日酒店)继2024年春季BLRBAC会议(山脚1)&2 Room). This Seminar is scheduled for 2 half-day sessions. 2024年4月10日星期三下午1点开始,4月11日星期四中午12点结束. Dinner is provided Wednesday night. Breakfast is provided Thursday morning. 注册仅限于运营回收锅炉的公司和工厂的成员. Event & Registration Information, with the Agenda.
May 16, 2024: (7:15 am – 4:00 pm Pacific Time): Online Virtual 十大菠菜软件回收锅炉运行安全研讨会(附Webex视频) & Audio Conferencing). Event & Registration Information, with the Agenda.
October 9-10, 2024:In-Person 十大菠菜软件回收锅炉运行安全研讨会-亚特兰大, GA -(酒店尚未选定)在2024年秋季BLRBAC会议之后. This Seminar is scheduled for 2 half-day sessions. 2024年10月9日星期三下午1点开始,10月10日星期四中午12点结束. Dinner is provided Wednesday night. Breakfast is provided Thursday morning. 注册仅限于运营回收锅炉的公司和工厂的成员. Event & Registration Information, with the Agenda.
- Legal notice
- 十大菠菜软件 Recovery Boiler Charter
- Documents Available for Downloading
- Recovery Boiler Publication and Order Form
- CBT-Based Recovery Boiler Training Program
- List of 十大菠菜软件 studies
- BLRBAC ESP Subcommittee Published Incident Learnings
Available on the www.blrbac.net website. Compiled by Dean Clay, ESP Subcommittee Secretary, ESP小组委员会的BLRBAC会议纪要. These BLRBAC meeting minutes are also posted on the www.blrbac.net website; Learnings started with the April 2005 Minutes. 学习被随意地组织在四个一般主题中, combining similar, repeated, learnings (meeting code is [S05] = Spring 2005; [F05] = Fall 2005). The 十大菠菜软件法律-通知和免责声明也适用于这些文件.